Nov 08 , 2022
The Shape of Geometry in Montessori
Geometry in Montessori is very different from geometry in standard education, as is the case with many other subject areas. The majority of the learning is done by doing; to teach geometric principles, liquid shapes and nomenclature cards are used.
This is particularly crucial when it comes to geometry because research demonstrates that it takes kids a long time to mentally "rotate" and envision forms correctly. Working with them directly is quite helpful.
Where Did Mathematics Originate?
One of the first subjects studied by humans was geometry. Beginning around 3000 BC in ancient Egypt, geometry was first developed. (You might want to have a look at my Story of Geometry for a fun method to educate children about these historical origins.) Early geometry was focused about measuring the earth to establish ownership limits since geo means "earth" and metria means "measure."
Measurements, areas, and volumes were all part of the highly practical (as opposed to theoretical) early science of geometry. Formulas for calculating lengths, areas, and volumes, the circumference and area of a circle, the area of a triangle, and the volumes of a cylinder, sphere, and pyramid are all examples of significant early discoveries. Geometry was quickly used in many other fields, most notably astronomy. Astronomers were able to pinpoint the location and motion of stars and planets because to the junction of geometry and astronomy.
Through the Senses: Geometry
Geometric wardrobe In Montessori, we begin utilizing patterns and shapes at a young age. Geometry is actually studied in the Sensorial part of the 3-6 classroom; in primary, this area changes to geometry. The triangle boxes, the geometric cabinet, the geometric bases, and the geometric solids are examples of early geometry materials.
Children are merely learning the names of shapes in these early activities and starting to link the name with the shape. As the child draws the shape's contour with a fingertip or pencil, the early geometry activities in true Montessori form help improve the child's hand - eye coordination and fine motor abilities.
Knowing and Naming
The kid is encouraged to comprehend figures and their details after first exploring forms and shapes. These nomenclature cards (also known as geometry folders) make up a large portion of the 6–9 grade geometry curriculum. Angle pair types are shown in the image. The geometry stick box and command cards are extra materials. The youngster is currently learning the various components and varieties of lines, angles, triangles, and other shapes.
As in every curricular subject, the distinction between 3-6 and 6-9 is that the kid in 6-9 is learning the properties of whatever they investigated sensorially in 3-6. The young youngster starts to comprehend basic definitions and use their own words to explain ideas. I find it useful to keep little wooden sticks (bought at craft stores) and string available in the geometry area in addition to the ready-made geometry materials (both wooden and printed).
The Prime Geometric Elements
Congruence, likeness, and equivalence are three important geometrical concepts that are introduced to children in grades 9–12. These ideas are referred regarded as geometry's "Golden Elements." This level's dynamic component is disassembling figures, moving them about, and then putting them back together so that they exhibit equivalence to another figure. A child might, for instance, rearrange a triangle to demonstrate that it is equivalent to a particular rectangle.
The Golden Elements and terminology for figures, including phrases like height, width, and base, area, and volume, are both included in the nomenclature cards for this level. Children at this grade level will also appreciate studying about Pythagoras, Euclid, and Archimedes, three well-known figures in geometry. You'll find a few geometry books mentioned below for the 9–12 age range. I'm a huge proponent of using books to teach these kinds of ideas.
Taking Earth's Measures
Math should be enjoyable! We are surrounded by shapes, and without even realizing it, we employ geometry every day. By introducing children to geometry gradually, we ensure that they have a solid understanding of the ideas and that they love the exploration that naturally results from measuring the globe and everything on it.
Note that each age group's Comprehensive List for geometry has a list of all the required readings and concepts. Very beneficial!