Dec 05 , 2022
How to Use Sensory Toys for Cognitive Development
Children start learning through their senses from the moment they are born. They realize it is time to eat when the soft touch of a bottle at their lips. Both their mother's voice and their father's firm embrace are comforting to them. Infants, toddlers, and older kids all learn about and make sense of the world through their senses.
Children can learn a lot and funt by engaging in sensory play. Play stimulates the brain's multiple senses, enabling kids to recognize objects, classify new information, and distinguish between different types of knowledge. Our edusense toys place a significant emphasis on sensory exploration because it's an essential foundation for the development of skills that children will require in the future.
What Is Sensory Play ?
Any play that stimulates the five senses—hear, touch, sight, smell, and/or taste—is referred to as sensory play. It is not necessary to use all five senses in order for it to be considered sensory play. Simple sensory play activities include splashing in the water, listening to various musical instruments, eating various fruits, and touching the bark of trees. But the more senses that are used, the better!
What Are the Benefits of Sensory Play ?
As we've already mentioned, sensory play stimulates the intellect. All of the key domains of early development—cognition, social-emotional development, physical development, and linguistic development—are aided by sensory stimulation.
Sensory play is advantageous for kids of all ages, including infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and grade school students. Infants and toddlers put everything in their mouths, grab hold of anything they can, and make ridiculous noises with their mouths.
They use these behaviors to distinguish between objects and assimilate new information; that are not random acts. Infants and toddlers learn what is food by putting things in their mouths and what isn't. They discover what's soft, what's hard, and what's textured by touching and gripping objects. When young children make amusing noises, they are practicing making various noises that will eventually aid them with their first words.
The children's sensory play matures as well as they get older. Children who are older can organize items by texture, shape, and color. They have the ability to explore, look into, and find new feelings using scientific procedures. Children can learn the difference between hot, cold, and warm as well as the difference between large, medium, and small.
Sensory Toys for Kids
Children can engage in sensory play with regular household items like uncooked rice, leaves, water, and more. However, there are a number of toys that are created with sensory play expressly in mind.
Two of the most common types of sensory toys for toddlers and children are water and sand tables. Children can feel the differences between the textures of sand and water, as well as learn what occurs when sand is mixed with water.
Children can hear the splashing of water and the sound of sand being sifted through a scoop while playing with sand and water tables. A number of sand and water toys offer extra features and accessories to improve sensory play.
Children are sending strong signals to their minds when they use their senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Through the use of their senses, their brains are retaining, classifying, examining, and comprehending information.
Sensory exploration provides a wealth of engaging educational opportunities in playing. Your kid will develop the foundations for crucial lifelong abilities through sensory play, including cognitive, language, social-emotional, and physical development.
Building Child Development Skills Through Sensory Play
Make enjoyable sensory experiments at home or play with Edusense sensory toys that are especially made with children's development in mind. What parent wouldn't like the fact that sensory play is enjoyable, demands both cerebral and physical energy, and leaves your child in a joyful, relaxed state after playtime?