Apr 26 , 2023

Creating A Montessori Learning Environment

A Montessori Learning Environment

How to set up a Montessori setting can be one of your first concerns if you've decided to bring the joy of Montessori into your house. The Montessori learning environment can be summed up as a place set aside for kids to explore, learn, and develop their imaginations.

I recently came discovered a touching old video of my infant daughter. My nine-month-old, who had fat cheeks and a bald head, was sitting on the floor and attempting to put a second t-shirt on herself. She repeatedly attempted to open the shirt with her baby-awkward fingertips. She gasped in shock when the shirt covered her eyes after she finally managed to drop it onto the top of her head. She then recommenced her actions.

My little one was using the closest thing she could get to for exploration, discovery, and learning: a small t-shirt.

Dr. Montessori came to understand that kids learn by constantly interacting with their environment. While young children learn from a teacher, the environment and materials are not the "background". The teacher is their surroundings. In Montessori, we purposefully prepare this environment.

You can purposefully provide your own children with the Montessori learning environment, whether you pick their playroom, a spare bedroom, or a small area of your family room. You may build a Montessori learning environment for every child in any size space by using the Montessori principles presented in this article as a guide.

The Montessori classroom is a "Yes" space.

The Montessori learning environment is first and foremost a kid-safe area where anything is permissible.

According to Dr. Montessori, in order to help the kid, "we must give him an environment that will allow him to develop freely." Make sure everything in your Montessori space is safe for your kid to touch, open, close, lift, drop, toss, drool on, chew, and tread on.

Your child won't be taught "no" or "don't" in a "yes space." Your young child will be free to follow their hobbies and curiosities. Your youngster will learn how to discover in this area.


Order and Organization

The Montessori learning setting also promotes structure and order.

Declare this area to be clutter-free. Be selective about what you let into this particular space. Beware of toys that sing or light up. Avoid purchasing products with character images all over them. Say no to the little trinkets that come with kids' meals and party handouts. Accept high-quality books, building blocks, wooden puzzles, and curious toys.

Show your youngster content based on their interests. If your child has been attempting to dress themselves, you may want to set out a board book with detailed illustrations of clothing items. You may give your child some of their own clothing to try on or a dressing doll with velcro, accessible zippers, and big buttons.

Sort and group related objects into child-accessible trays or baskets. Avoid those toy boxes that are actually bottomless holes. Instead, arrange the goods such that your toddler can find them easily. Rotating particular toys in and out of this designated area can be helpful. Extra toys can be kept in bins in a different location.

Reality, nature, and aestheticsMontessori educational setting 3

Third, give importance to reality, nature, and beauty. Think plainly. Minimalist. Functional.

Include scaled-down reproductions of genuine objects for children, such as a tiny wooden table and chair, as well as real paper and writing supplies. A few non-toxic plants and a little, authentic watering can are good additions.

Items that go together can be displayed on a single tray. This will keep the area neat and help contain messes like spilled dirt.

Your Position in a Montessori Classroom

Using the aforementioned tips, set the stage, but keep in mind that your contribution won't end with setup. Here are some ideas for enhancing a Montessori classroom:

Protect your focus

As they play and explore, children often lapse into periods of intense, calm concentration. Your youngster seems to forget that anyone or anything else is present when they are focused in this way. There is only the youngster and what they are doing. The child's ability to focus is essential to their learning. Attempt to limit interruptions. Do not invite them to a snack just yet. Catch a sibling who is hurrying to convey news. Stay focused during this period till your youngster moves on by themselves. Catch a sibling who is hurrying to convey news. Stay focused during this period till your youngster moves on by themselves.

Observe your kid's interests

Adhere to the child-directed work principle: allow your child decide what to work on when and with what, and let them always make those decisions. Rotate the toys to include lifelike plush animals, for instance, if your youngster all of a sudden develops an obsession with the family dog. Obtain literature about dogs and other animals. Provide musical instruments like bells and shaker toys if the youngster has shown a fascination with sounds. Allowing them to choose which toys to play with is preferable to forcing them.

Show that you love to learn

Your kid picks up new skills from you all the time. Your role model is them. There is just no such thing as "off duty" when you are a parent. Your child will mimic your movements and speech. This can work in your child's favor. Declare your own interest. Ask out loud. Read. Give your child your whole attention when they bombard you with questions and make an effort to explain your responses as simply as you can. By doing this, you can improve your bond with your child and serve as a positive role model for lifetime learning.

Montessori Technique

The infant I described to you became a young girl in an instant. She discovered yesterday that the refrigerator's interior light was turned off when the door was closed. Naturally, she then repeatedly opened and shut (and opened and shut) the door. How far could she open the door while maintaining darkness? Why did the light suddenly turn off? In the dark, did the food appear differently?

Children regularly pick up new skills through unplanned interactions with their surroundings. The strength and potential of children's experiential, trial-and-error learning style were exploited by Dr. Montessori. The Montessori approach is the outcome.


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